STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. By participating in STEM-related activities and project learning tasks, our students are able to:

  1. consolidate a good foundation and strengthen their integrated skills and competence in the application of knowledge;
  2. develop their competence in creativity, collaboration, problem-solving and their innovative mindset;
  3. nurture positive values and attitudes
Cross-curricular projects
ProjectDescriptionLevelSubjects involved
mBotStudents learn how to make mBots through MakeBlock and use a computer
porgramme called Scatch to operate mBots.
Form 2Design and Technology,
Computer Literacy
AquaponicsStudents learn how fish and vegetables live in a circulatory habitat.Form 3Biology, Chemistry, Physics
and Mathematics
Pull-out programmes
ProgrammeLevelSubjects and Clubs
ArduinoAll club members and Physics studentsDesign and Technology Club, Physics
3D PrintingAll club membersDesign and Technology Club
Forensic ScienceForm 5Biology
Science campForm 4, 5All science subjects

To facilitate the development of STEM, we organize a STEM day in 2017 and 2018, renovate a computer room and develop two subjects, Information and Computer Technology and Design and Applied Technology in senior DSE curriculum. Our school members also get involved in external competitions and collaborative projects with primary schools. If you wish to know more about our STEM education, you may browse the following link: